Nampak tak tajuk omputih wa letak tu?
(betulkan 'microfon' sambil ketuk-ketuk
ketampi ...perlahankan 'volume'...)
Assalamualaikum permulaan bicara di awal Syawal bulan mulia
(letak tangan persis kumpulan nasyid remaja nak mula nyanyi)
Amacam sambutan cuti raya ? Meriah? Menarik? Biasa-biasa? Luar Biasa?
Wa? mmm...nanti cite aaa...yang pasti
First Year without the hardest..
fokus..kepada tajuk entry kali nih...
entry nih ada dwi-bahasa iaitu bercampur
baur bahasa omputih (English) dan melayu (Bahasa Malaysia).
sila siapkan minyak cap kapak jika pening ...huhu
Tanggal 16 Julai 2014...wa ke Publika Damansara, Jalan Duta, KL
wa dijemput oleh
MAS Janggel sebab pada asalnya beliau lah yang dapat jemputan untuk majlis nih
(al-maklum..blogger femes...wa? blogger sendu tepi gigi perigi je..heheh.)
ada apa kat Publika? Jom layan gambar jab...
kelihatan "Michael Jackson' di bawah sana... |
tandas awam pun dah lawa pintu dicat nyer
tandas rumah sendiri? errr....
wa terus melangkah
ke Marmadale Cafe
itupun setelah penat melangut dalam Publika
ada apa?
"talk to the hand..ok?"
"Please stop killing in GAZA" |
sebahagian daripada arca di taman permainan kanak-kanak di sini
eh..jom ke Marmalade Cafe..dah nampak dah banner nyer...
sila daftar nama anda sebelum masuk ke dalam
free seating..pilih la nak dok mana
tapi tetap mesti dok atas kerusi je... free seating on the table..
welcome speech from our lovely emcee of the day
and welcome speech from Puan Khairun Nisa Ismail, Vice President,
Royalty Frequent Flyer Programme (Enrich) MAS
yang lenlain tengah gigih upload gambo event di Instagram sebab ada adiah untuk pemenang...
tu yang ralit semacam je memasing
sementara menunggu waktu berbuka puasa..kami-kami-kami bersantai bermesra bersama
dan selepas doa berbuka puasa dibaca
wa terkam la makanan...
(terkam? sungguh kurang sopan anda di situ)
my starter je..lepas solat....tayah citer la ntah bape kali wa tambah lauk
nommm nommm....
oh ya..sementara wa layan makan, bole la baca apa itu Enrich Voyager...
Enrich Voyager – Introduction
Now you can travel the world, at least virtually and experience being a high-power frequent flyer as you work your way around the world with the Enrich Voyager Challenge!
The game will test your travel planning skills as you balance between flying the farthest destinations while maintaining your Enrich Voyager miles so that you can fly on your next leg. As you continue your journey, you’ll start earning more Enrich Voyager miles, unlocking new destinations and achieve the next Enrich Voyager status which will bring more virtual rewards. In the end, only those who have cunningly planned their moves to achieve the maximum distance will become our worthy winner and the title "Enrich Voyager Globetrotter".
Winners at the end of the month with the highest travelled miles will win a conversion of their Enrich Voyager miles to ACTUAL Enrich miles on a 1x1 basis.
Kebanyakan yang hadir ketika ini adalah pemenang bagi katagori permainan tersebut.
contohnya..pemenang ini sangat gigih bermain permainan ini sampailkan ada kalanya beliau tak tido malam?
tapi..berbaloi...sebab dapat raih mata yang banyak
terus dapat menang kumpul mata 'Enrich'
leh tukar ke tiket kapalterbang free free je weh!!! |
Berminat? Main Candy Crush ada dapat adiah? adiah alam maya je kot?
nih...adiah berupa 'Enrich Point' ok?
Acaner nak mula?
Baca nih:
App Features
Ever wanted to be a virtual globetrotter, setting the standards and having bragging rights to all the destinations around the world? Now with Enrich Voyager you can!
Start your journey around the world in Kuala Lumpur and choose your next travel destination, interact with our app and get extra Enrich miles to help you fly further. Some exciting features include:
• Earn Miles – Verify your Enrich membership through our app and you will instantly be rewarded with 10,000 Enrich miles! Be mindful though, plan your travels wisely or you will be left with no more points to fly further.
• Travel Around the World – You can when you fly to more destinations and unlock the Globetrotter status, fly to any one of our oneworld destinations and you will be on your way to tell all your friends you are the best virtual traveler.
• Entertain Yourself – Play our mind games and test your Malaysia Airlines knowledge with our trivia questions to earn more Enrich miles! Want to see what we have to offer? Check out our in-flight videos and you may earn more miles too.
• Flight Status – You can also keep track of your flight status in the ‘view my profile’ tab to see how far you’ve been. The more you fly, the more you earn! The more you earn, the higher chance you win!
For more information, log onto our official Enrich Voyager Facebook page at or Twitter at
Good luck
some of the lucky winner of that night.
winners been given away with actual points accumulate from the games.
some even get millions of points!!!
Nak mula macamana?
Read the tutorial and start do the 'homework"
1. First of all, log into the app at, key in your details and select your avatar.
2. You will start the game with 10,000 Enrich Voyager Miles. The miles are redeemed (burned) when you choose a destination to fly, while miles are earned when you arrive at your destination.
3. As with normal frequent flier redemptions, miles burned will be more than miles earned so choosing the right destination is crucial to maximize your flying distance & miles balance.
4. To begin your journey, you are situated at the Airport lounge. As with any other airports, you can either explore by clicking on the buttons or begin by selecting the "Where to go next?" button.
5. After you are redirected, scroll through the destination details to select your desired destination. Click on “Proceed” and you will be whisked to board the aircraft, receiving a boarding pass with your flight details.
6. On arrival, you can take the time to visit the destination by clicking the “View Destination” button or prepare to continue your journey either back to your point of origin or onwards to a new destination.
7. Choose your destination; you will be awaiting boarding as we prepare your flight for departure. Once completed, you're ready to go!
8. Need to log off from Facebook while in flight? You can do so as the flight will continue - but make sure to return in time for the arrival or you might lose precious time to fly onto your next destination!
9. Upon your arrival, a round trip summary will be displayed. To view and edit your personal information, click the “View My Info” button for more details. Continue onwards to reach the ultimate goal!
10. Like us on Facebook at, follow us on Twitter at or Instagram at malaysiaairlines.
mudah kan?
ada juga peraduan Instagram yang dianjurkan oleh pihak Enrich (MAS)
En Sidek adalah salah seorang pemenangnya...
kawan baru wa!!!
Hai Amy!! Hai Sidek!!!
nice knowing you ..even within short period of time...
mesti tak leh nak hargai points yang mereka dapat...
ok..bagi contoh...dengan 60,000 points, anda leh dapat tiket pi dan balik KL-London-KL.
20,000? domestik flight? ok ape...sapa nak bagi free-free tiket camtuh je? kan?
(calling for all 'kaki-berjalan-naek-kapalterbang!!!)
En Mohd Hisham Saleh, salah seorang staff yang menjadi tulang belakang majlis ini, memberi taklimat ringkas
berkenaan sejarah asal program permainan ini diadakan.
ooo...then I realise such games do exist in facebook
(tu la..dok lagi bawah tempurung kelapa...go out!! explore the world!!!)
"the first lucky draw goes to................" |
untuk menamatkan majlis santai tapi meriah ini..pihak pengurusan Enrich (MAS) ada membuat cabutan bertuah....
wa macam biasa...sibuk la ambik gamba sana sini...
"...........................ana Ash......!!!"
haaa??? apa???
eh lupa..kena speaking landen sini
HUHHH??? WHAT???? OMG!!! OMG!!
(tepuk-tepuk pipi sendiri tak caya..pastu pi buntangkan mata pandang sume orang)
ok .ko nih suka buat drama yang terover...
YES..that's me!!
"and the second lucky winner is........Byya...!!!!"
"hahahahah....we have such a lucky table over there" kata Miss Emcee
unexpected gift in Ramadhan month...Subahanallah...
Actually I was shivering ..dok tak caya dapat cabutan bertuah ini
(ko nih drama queen sungguh haish)
Toronto? Boston? London? ...Fifth Avenue? Sidney?..laaa..kat Kuala Klawang tak de ker?
(sambil termenung terkenangkan tabung-arnab-yang-bakal-dimangsakan)
having great time with great people around me
I feel blessed.
pouring with "congrates" wishes from others that night...was an awesome moment for me
jom buat flashmob...
"looking forward to rewarding journeys ahead"
travel without boundaries...
Thanks for the gift Enrich (MAS)
I am in the need of vacation...and even I have planned ahead with budget holidays...
awarding with this high-prestige Hotel group..
I have endless smile with me
(mana nak termimpi dapat dok hotel mahal weh!! tak mampu wa !!)
from the bottom of my heart
not because I won the lucky draw that night...
but because been the first airline for me to experience the trill of 'flying'
and keep on 'flying'
Malaysians will be right behind you!!!
Versi en JANGGEL (terima kasih laaaa ajak akak ikut berbuka posa di sini..jangan serik ajak akak lagi tauuuu!!!!!)
ps: entry ini agak merapu..dengan bahasa english yang berterabur..hahah..jangan saman wa...