mula2 disajikan jajan... pun dah mula nak rebut makan...
tuh ..
tengok sapa punya tangan tak sabar nak capai keropok ....

Bila diperhatikan....pembalut adiah tuh...bertemakan 'teddybear' la....ala...so cute macam dah berjanji plak temanya .....
nih wa dapat adiah... kotak "binder clip" berhamperkan 4 sachets of Kopi & Koko Radix dan ....ada gift voucher laaa.......

wa suda terpikir...
musti best adiah nih....
kot2 la 'coffee mixer"? or
voucher penginapan di Damai Lumut Resort, Pangkor?... or
"flat screen TV?"..or
'DSLR"??? (haha..nih tak leh agak laaa..)
.....ish...suspen..kena redeem ari nih plak tuh...
apa2 pun wa happy whatever dapat nanti (bagi sket tekanan kat pemberi voucher nih..wink....wink..)...and also wa happy been with this bunch of frens in this office...
This is a get lost lunch party...hamboiii...main kasar eh...
This is a farewell lunch party ...sponsered by the 'get-away-bye-bye-staff' to another place with full of greenery view..less CO2, more + aura and just a step away from the house...(but still have to 'jazz' around to go to work..)
Well, people do change in order to go for better future..Donia dan Akhirat.
Well, people do change in order to go for better future..Donia dan Akhirat.
PS: This entry dedicate to a fren who is leaving to grab another opportunity which knocks once.
bila la wa punya opportunity nak dtg mengetuk wa???
Will miss u gals...uwahhhhhhhhh :((
mcm kenal tulisan tangan tu...hehe...
wani:we too will miss u gak...huhu
chegu sam:kenal,kan..kan..kan..?
kak anash-xkenal maka xcinta :p
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